Monday 6 December 2021

My Christmas Narrative!

 Hello! For last week's writing we were writing about a Christmas Narrative.

We all based our stories off a short video we watched about a banana named Aldi. He was portrayed as a character who hated Christmas, and one night the spirit of Christmas came to visit him, trying to get Aldi to see Christmas in his eyes. 

So for our task we wrote our plan in our books as usual, then wrote down our stories, used our plan and made sure to include describing the setting for the introduction and describing the character. After that we published our stories into a Christmas-themed slide, heres mine!

Monday 29 November 2021

Have You Made A Rangoli Design Before?

Hello! For reading, we have been learning about Diwali. Diwali is a festival of lights and is celebrated by Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, and some Buddhists. This event lasts for about 5 days.

For our learning task we read some books on Epic and watched a short video explaining what Diwali is. For our create task, using paper, chalk or drawing online, we created our own Rangoli pattern.

To give you more context on what Rangoli patterns are, a rangoli pattern is an art form from India, there are different kinds of patterns, this type of art is usually made on the floor or on a table. To make the design you use materials like powdered limestone, red ochre, dry rice flower, coloured sand, quartz powder, flower petals, and coloured rocks. But instead of those, we used chalk, although some drew on paper/online.

I thought this activity was lovely! Learning about other cultures was a great experience for me. Have you done a Rangoli pattern before?

Thursday 25 November 2021

My 2021 Achievements!

For Cybersmart, we were learning how to create a video on Canva about 3 things we achieved this year using the video tool!

To make the video. Firstly, I recorded a video of myself for the introduction, then added it to my video. Next I decorated the video with images, and different backgrounds and fonts, but I made sure I only had a minimum amount of fonts I used in the video so everything wouldn't seem complicated or hard to read.

This activity was very fun! It was very easy to make the video with Canva and I didn't struggle with anything at all!

What do you think about my video? Have you used canva before? Let me know in the comments!

Friday 12 November 2021

Have you made a Self Portrait before?

For art, we have been learning how to blend colours to make skin tones or hair colours, we applied this skill on our portrait art! This art was created in laminating paper. 

So, first off to make the portrait, each of us were taken a photo to use for the tracing of the face and clothing, next I traced the picture using a Sharpie or a vivid. After that, using the colours red, yellow, black, and white I mixed the colours altogether and made a colour altleast similar to my skin colour. 

I really love this activity, mixing colours and learning new ways to create different shades of colours was really fun! 

Thursday 11 November 2021

My Service Poster!

For our R.E Term Value, our focus is on Service and how we can serve others. Our class watched a video about service and its meanings, after we wrote down our ideas together in groups of three in a shared class Google Jamboard about what service sounds like, feels like, and looks like. 

After we made our own posters on Canva about what Service is. I am very proud of my poster, surprisingly this is my first time using Canva! If you don't know what Canva is, it is a design platform to make presentations, documents, other contents, and posters like this one. Here's my poster!

Monday 8 November 2021

Have you made a Rongoa sign before?

Hello! For reading we have created our own design of our Rongoa signs, the term "Rongoa" refers to the traditional Maori medicinal practices here in New Zealand, using herbal ingredients for massage or healing. These methods were passed down from generation to generation orally. 

We had our choice of which Maori medicinal plant that was planted in our school that we were going to make a sign for. First off we created our design on our chromebooks on Google Slides or on paper which will be under this paragraph, after we have shown the teacher out design and it has been approved, each of the students that have finished their plan get a blank label where they will paint it with the colour they have chosen for the design, then write/sketch the design they made on the sign. To create a successful sign you must have the name of the rongoa plant, and its properties/explanation on how to use it. For my plan I decided I would have a simple sketch with some manuka flowers, I did try my best to recreate the appearance of the flower on Google Slides which I struggled a bit with. Here's my design! 

I enjoyed designing my label, experimenting with which colours or drawings would look best for my sign and how I would layout the titles and words on the actual label. Overall in my opinion this activity was very fun! I can't wait to see the finished product! 

Wednesday 3 November 2021

My Royal Spoonbill Art!

A few weeks ago we started our calendar art. For our class' calendar art we did NZ native birds! If you don't know what calendar art is, it is when students make artwork that can be ordered into products such as a postcard, calendar, mouse pads, diaries, or sketchbooks! I chose a Royal Spoonbill for my art! 

To make the art, each of the students in our class printed a picture of the bird that we were going to use for our art, using a pencil, I lightly sketched the bird with the picture taped behind the paper I was going to use for our drawing. After that, I drew small geometric shapes inside the bird. Next I dyed the background, using two colours making a gradient with it. I drew a circle around the bird's head for the highlights. Next up, I added crepe paper around the outside of the circle! Here's my art: 

I enjoyed sketching and shading in the bird and colouring the background for my art! I used some colours in the original picture I used for the sketch in my bird, as you can see, I added blue, light blue, and yellow. 

What do you think about my art? Have you done something similar to this art before? Comment your answers!