Monday, 29 March 2021

Two Truths and A Lie!

 For writing we created a 3 pieces of recount, to write about what happened or what we did in the holidays. Two needs to be something that happened and 1 needs to be a lie, we planned, wrote into our writing book, and published our pieces in a slide document, this took us 3 weeks to complete though unfortunately my slides was a draft from 4-6 weeks ago, but I'm going to share this with you all anyway. For these 3 weeks, we brainstormed, planned, wrote and published as I said earlier every week until it was done. 

To make our slides even more interesting we thought of good backgrounds, tones, and fonts to match with the theme and mood of the text! 

Here's my slides, can you guess which are the real ones and the fake? Please comment your answers and thoughts, I will gladly reply after!

Wednesday, 24 March 2021

My Sea Week Facts & Presentation!

2 weeks ago was Sea Week, which was Week 6 of Term 1, 2020, where we celebrated and learnt all about the ocean, its creatures, habitats, and oceans. Every year, the NZAEE celebrates Sea week and we have a theme for each year, this year its "Toi Moana, Tio tangata– Connecting with our seas" as shown in my presentation, for my slides I have picked a marine animal I would like to discuss about, for it I decided to pick the animal "Sperm whale". I've gathered data to create it through research and articles. My slides are about what I researched and found out in the articles, why we celebrate Sea Week every year, 10 facts about my sea creature (in which I've only managed to have 6), what my sea creature eats, and lastly, the predators of my sea creature. Here's my presentation:

Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Facts You Need To Know About St. Patrick's Day!

 Happy Saint Patrick's Day everyone! Today for our reading task in honor of the feast day of St. Patrick we created our own poster informing astonishing facts that you will need to know about the sacred St. Patrick and his feast day. We read an article informing us of what we need to know about the special day, I took notes and thoughts of designs I could do to make an eye-catching poster. Though since the facts I collected reading through the article wasn't enough I decided to research and learn more about the feast day and saint. The acceptable amount we could do was 5-8 but I decided to end the reasearch soon enough and had about 6 facts which fitted in the poster perfectly. I picked suitable colours which were dark mint and light green, and decorated the rest.  

Thursday, 4 March 2021

My Astonishing Superhero Me Google Drawing!

Good Morning/Afternoon! Today for Inquiry each of us students created our own version of us as superheroes, this topic is relevant from learning about "What does a Great Learner do?" in our class. To create the superheroes, first off we had to create our own superheroes by taking a image of us doing a superhero flying pose lying down in a long black cloth. Cropping, editing and adding superhero clothes using Google Drawings, making the background fully black, printing and cutting. We also added speech bubbles, by writing our "learning powers", colouring and decorating the speech bubble, and cutting it. Though I don't have a photo of the speech bubble and printed copy of the superhero, I have the Google Drawing of it. Here's what I made, the theme of the superhero is water super powers (I added a sidekick which is a Killer Whale).

My Fascinating Diagram about Tuitui Shampoo and NZ Store-bought Shampoo

 Kia Ora! For our reading lesson our reading group was to read an article about Tutui Shampoo. For those who don't know what it is Tuitui Shampoo is basically a shampoo made from the nut Tuitui (Candlenut) where the shampoo is traditionally made by collecting the nuts that have fallen from the tree, breaking it open, and leaving it to dry. And so on. Here's my diagram 

Monday, 1 March 2021

Room 2 Kawa of Care

 For Inquiry today we created our own Kawa of Care, we created it on Google Drawings, and thought of atleast 5-10 things for our Kawa of Care. I decorated my slide by putting in photos and customizing the backgrounds, colours and fonts. My digital learning object shows that I have written 10 Kawa of Care rules. It was enjoying to decorate the poster, though I found it complex to think of 10 rules. Here's my slide/poster: