Friday, 1 October 2021

Is Mr. Wolf Guilty?

Hello! 2 weeks ago for Reading we have been learning about how to talk about perspectives! We have been learning about this for our speeches which we did last week and our writing piece that we made from the other week!

So for our writing/reading activity we read a couple of Little Red Riding Hood books on Epic! We then wrote three reasons as to why Mr. Wolf, who is one of the characters in the story, guilty or not. Here's my slides! 

This activity was very fun! I loved designing my background and customizing my slides to make it nice!

How To Draw 3D Shapes!

Hello! For Maths we have been learning about the names of the geometry shapes and what they look like!

For our task we drew different shapes on paper, I learnt how to draw most of the shapes from a youtube tutorial provided in our class learning hub. To make it 3D I made sure to properly shade the colours to make it look 3-Dimensional! Here's a photo of my art.

This activity was very fun! I did have trouble shading my shapes since I pressed too hard, though I finally figured out how to make my shading look even better!